Who Defends Your Data?

The InternetLab project in partnership with the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) evaluates how various Internet companies protect their users’ data.

Privacy and Surveillance
Duração: 2016
Status: Em andamento

InternetLab was chosen by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) to carry out the Brazilian version edition of EEF’s project  “Who Has Your Back?”, published in the United States since 2011, which is called “Quem Defende Seus Dados? (QDSD?) in Portuguese. The project aims to evaluate how internet companies protect their users’ data.

The evaluation is carried out on an annual basis. Our goal is to evaluate privacy and transparency  policies of Internet Services Providers – ISPs (either by fixed broadband or mobile data infrastructure) . There are 6 categories that evaluate public commitment to compliance with the law, adoption of pro-users privacy practices and policies, and transparency about their practices and policies.

The methodology is adapted to the Brazilian context. During the execution of the project, InternetLab has received feedback and additional information from the ISPs before publishing the final results.

The full report can be read in English or in Portuguese.