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InternetLab submits contribution to the Colombian Constitutional Court on content moderation in the case of Esperanza Goméz Silva

We highlighted the importance of using artificial intelligence tools in large platforms content moderation, without ignoring, however, the need for constant review and improvement to avoid reproducing biases in local contexts and against historically marginalized groups.

por Francisco Brito Cruz, Fernanda K. Martins, Iná Jost, Clarice Tavares and Anna Martha Araújo Confira


Conheça nosso boletim semanal de atualização sobre políticas de internet no Brasil e no mundo.

conheça nossas áreas de atuação

Privacy and Surveillance

The rapidly changing technology significantly affected and expanded the power and the controlling capacities of States and companies over individuals, with direct implications for privacy. Alongside these new capacities, new controversial judicial questions arise, related to the collection, storage, access, exploitation, and mass analysis of data. Along with new technical powers and uses arise controversial legal issues such as the constitutionality of data retention for law enforcement purposes, the extent of the authority to access communications data, the limits of obligations to assist law enforcement by encryption-based services, and the accountability mechanisms affecting intelligence agencies. As for companies, other controversial issues arise, such as defining the rights of data owners and the duties of companies that engage in the analysis of personal data. This research area aims to develop studies and promote a qualified debate about these issues.

Inequalities and Identities

Social markers of difference such as gender, sexual orientation, race, social class, and disability may significantly affect the way people relate to technology and make use of it for social, cultural and political ends. This research area investigates the relationship between social markers of difference and Internet policies, in order to answer questions related to web access, privacy, sharing economy, social mobilization and activism, online participation and freedom of expression.

Freedom of Expression

The Internet has revolutionized communication between people. There are countless platforms and resources in cyberspace and this has opened new channels not only for the production but also for the sharing of different kinds of content. In this context, granting freedom of expression and access to information to people means enabling them to both exploit the full potential of the Internet and play an important role in the development of culture, critical thinking and a free debate of ideas. InternetLab is committed to these values, therefore it is closely monitoring public policies decisions, legislative initiatives, and rulings that may have effects on Internet users’ freedom of expression in Brazil.

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