InternetLab releases the book “The Internet at the Defendant’s Seat”

Policy Watch 11.30.2017 por Ana Luiza Araujo
The book is a compilation of Deu nos Autos articles

On November 30th, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m, InternetLab, IASP Publishing House and IASP (São Paulo Institute of Lawyers) invite you for the release of the book “The Internet at the Defendant’s Seat”, by our directors Dennys Antonialli, Francisco Brito Cruz and Mariana Valente. The work is a compilation of articles from the biweekly column “Deu nos Autos“, published by the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo [you can find the translated versions of the articles here on our blog], in which we debate judicial cases involving the regulation of technology and the Internet. The book comes with a preface written by Justice Nancy Andrighi, of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ). The release will be held at the Livraria Cultura of Iguatemi Shopping in São Paulo.

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