Cover of the article "A Tale of Two Consultations: Online Participatory Practices in Brazil", by Beatriz Kira, Juliana Ruiz, Mariana Valente. Below the title and the authors there is an illustration of the outline of individuals and speech bubbles in black, white and gray.

InternetLab releases report on Internet, democracy and participation

News Information & Politics 06.14.2017 por Beatriz Kira, Juliana Pacetta Ruiz and Mariana Valente

We are launching this week the final reports of the project #VoiceorChatter, developed in partnership with IT for Change. The goal of the project was to better understand the ways in which ICT mediated engagement can be empowering for the citizen and transformative for the outcomes of governance, through multi-country case study analysis.

InternetLab was responsible for the Brazilian case study and presented a comparison between two relevant online participatory processes: the public consultation regarding the Brazilian “Internet Bill of Rights” (Marco Civil da Internet), and the public consultation for improving the Brazilian copyright legislation. Furthermore, we wrote an article presenting the “state of the art” of the literature about participation and ICTs in Brazil.

The reports about the Brazilian case are available here, alongside similar analyses about Colombia, India, Philippines, South Africa and Spain. The complete case study will soon be lauched as well.

Click on the image below to directly access the Brazilian report:

Cover of the article "A Tale of Two Consultations: Online Participatory Practices in Brazil", by Beatriz Kira, Juliana Ruiz, Mariana Valente. Below the title and the authors there is an illustration of the outline of individuals and speech bubbles in black, white and gray.
