Stephanie Lima

Head of Research

Doctor of Social Sciences from UNICAMP, master’s degree in Collective Health from UERJ (2016), and bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences from UFRJ (2013). She was involved in the LGBTQIA+ youth movement (2009-2015) and served as a member of the committee for the implementation of socio/ethnic/racial quotas policy at the Institute of Social Medicine (IMS/UERJ) (2014 and 2015). She is a member of the Núcleo de Consciência Negra at UNICAMP and the Working Group for the Implementation of Ethnic/Racial Quotas in undergraduate studies at UNICAMP (2016 and 2017). Currently, she works in the black feminist movement.

She worked as a researcher in a quantitative survey on the LGBTI+ Violence Panel in the State of Rio de Janeiro, coordinated by the NGO Arco-Íris and the National LGBTI+ Alliance (2020). She was the coordinator for evaluation and monitoring of the Teatro das Oprimidas project at the Center for Theater of the Oppressed (2021). She also worked as an Articulator for the Human Rights Defender Support Program at the Criola NGO (2020-2022).

She participated in the 1st Saberes em Intercâmbio, organized by the Latin American Institute of Sexuality and Politics, Simone de Beauvoir Leadership Institute (ILSB), and CREA, held in 2019 in Mexico City. She was a participant in the Fellowship Programme for People of African Descent, offered by OHCHR (UN), in 2021. She was recognized in the global list of Most Influential People of African Descent (MIPAD) 100 Under 40 of 2022. She participated in the 2nd session of the Permanent Forum on People of African Descent (2023).

Currently, she is the Human Rights Reporter for the Human Rights Platform – DHesca Brasil. She conducts research on race, gender, sexuality, social movements, and affirmative action. At InternetLab, she is a Head of Research.