Rafael Augusto Ferreira Zanatta

Master of Laws Candidate by the International University College of Turin (LLM, 2015). Master of Laws from the University of São Paulo (2014), where he was coordinator of the Law, Internet and Society Nucleus (2013) and teaching assistant of the courses of Sociology of Law (FD) and Legal Institutions for Economists (FEA). He was a researcher at the “Board of Studies and State Policies, Institutions and Democracy” at the Institute of Applied Economic Research (Diest/IPEA, 2013) and researcher at the Fundação Getulio Vargas Law School of São Paulo, where he joined the project “Globalization, Lawyers and Emerging Economies” (FGV/Harvard, 2013). He is a Bachelor of Law from the State University of Maringá (2010), where he received a scholarship from the National Program of Scientific Initiation (PIBIC / CNPq). Member of Brazilian Network of Empirical Legal Studies.

At InternetLab, he leaded the research on sharing economy between 2015 and 2016.