Illustration with a green background. In the center of the image there is a drawing of an arroba, in which there is, in the center, an open padlock. At the bottom of the image, it is written, in white "Personal Data Protection".

InternetLab Reports – Public Consultations No. 14

InternetLab Reports 05.12.2015 por Beatriz Kira, Francisco Brito Cruz and Jonas Coelho Marchezan

Regulation of the Marco Civil: how to organize a public debate with hundreds of comments and participants?

After the initial phase of collecting contributions and debates, the next step in the regulation of Marco Civil is the systematization of the debate. Now is the time to raise all the arguments, put together the puzzle pieces and walk toward the final text of the decree, which will specify how the more general provisions of the Marco Civil will work in practice.

Following the collaborative spirit of the consultation, this new stage will also be open to public participation. The Ministry of Justice invited everyone to introduce proposals of systematization of the contributions and even send drafts of the decree, which will be used as subsidies for the elaboration of the official text. It is worth repeating, however, that the opening is to collect qualified arguments and references and that the Ministry also reserves its right to decide on the final text of the decree.

The Oficina Antivigilância, a project of ITS Rio, has already presented its systematization focusing on the themes “record keeping” and “privacy” of the public debate. This systematization also provides general information on the consultations and a survey of critical points and most relevant contributions in the platform of the Data Protection draft bill consultation.

Data Protection: the public debate continues (and so does the InternetLab Reports!)

It is worth remember that the public consultation on the Data Protection draft bill will remain open until the July 5. We will continue addressing it in InternetLab Reports. The newsletters will be published every two weeks, in the same format.

Illustration with a green background. In the center of the image there is a drawing of an arroba, in which there is, in the center, an open padlock. At the bottom of the image, it is written, in white "Personal Data Protection".

Data Protection draft bill remains on debate – and the InternetLab will continue to report the discussions, now fortnightly.

 Authors: Beatriz Kira, Francisco Brito Cruz and Jonas Marchezan.
