Special on Government Apps

The project sought to evaluate the processing of citizens’ data in government applications.

Privacy and Surveillance
Duração: 2018 - 2018
Status: Concluído
In this project, we studied 13 government apps – eight from the federal administration and five from the state of São Paulo – that we considered to have the most impact on Brazilian citizens’ daily lives because they are related to services that are particularly relevant to everyday life and the relationship between the state and its citizens. Our goal was to understand the types of data they process, the permissions they request, the methods of obtaining consent, and, when available, to assess their privacy policies in light of the rights currently in force under the Marco Civil da Internet (Brazilian Internet Civil Rights Framework).

To better understand the scope of the research and our justifications, please see the introduction post: “Por que se preocupar com o que o Estado faz com nossos dados pessoais?” (Why be concerned about what the State does with our personal data?)

The results of our analysis were divided into three other posts:

#1 Access Permissions in Government Apps

#2 Privacy Policies of Government Apps

#3 Obtaining Consent for Data Processing in Government Apps