O Corpo é o Código [The Body is the Code]: book launch about revenge porn

07.12.2016 por mrnvlnt

Revenge Porn is the name given to the practice of sending intimate pictures of a person over the Internet without their consent. This sort of violence is most of the times committed against women and girls, and has led to drastic consequences on the lives of victims.

After one yeat researching the answers Brazilian Law offers to this problem and how they operate, InternetLab is publishing a book [PT] called The Body is the Code: legal strategies to face revenge porn in Brazil, written by Mariana Valente, Natalia Neris, Juliana Ruiz and Lucas Bulgarelli.

We hereby invite everyone for the book launch, which will be a panel discussion on the topic, at Ação Educativa (Rua General Jardim, n. 660), on July 19, Tuesday, 7pm, with the debaters:

– Elânia Francisca, Coletivo Mulheres na Luta (Collective Women in the Struggle);

– Bel Santos, IBEAC/Sementairas de Direitos (Brazilian Institute of Studies and Community Support / Sowings Rights);

– Marta Machado, Professor of Fundação Getúlio Vargas Law School, and a researcher at CEBRAP;

– Silvia Chakian, Prosecutor, Coordinator of the Special Group for Confronting Domestic and Family Violence Against Women (GEVID), at the Public Prosecutors Office of the State of São Paulo.

On the day of the event, the book will be released for free download, exclusively in digital format.

Also see the Facebook event.



